As an educational organization, Kanoon provides its pupils with consultancy based on their individual learning style and performance in each subject. This information is generated from Kanoon Personal Planning Notebook. Kanoon consultancy is unique in Iran as its offer its students a long-term evaluation of their learning status. This self-evaluation is guided by the performance of students in the bi-weekly Kanoon exams.
Overview: Kazem Ghalamchi’s Speech in the Top Students Meeting-28th Feb. 2014
In this meeting he explains the sixth, seventh and eighth projects. The “Sixth Project: the Springboard” is the path in front of students, starting from the Developmental Examination of 14th of March 2014 and continues until the “Norooz Golden Period” (i.e. starts in 21st of March until the beginning of April). The “Seventh Project: Re-Ranking Period” includes final days of Farvardin and the beginning of Ordibehesht (i.e. April), and the “Eighth Project”, which is the reviewing period. Following are four core points of his talk:
1. The next Developmental Examination, held on 14th of March is as important as “Norooz Golden Period” exams for some reasons.
a. Firstly, It is a coherent exam through which you review almost half of the second part of your pre-university materials, which are less reviewed by students, thus the significance of this exam is higher.
b. Secondly, the students do not concentrate on this period and are more confused, so focusing on this Developmental Assessment is of a great importance.
c. This exam helps you keep the balance in your studying, preventing you from ignoring the second pre-university period, or finish its material so early.
d. This exam is considered as one of the Kanoon’s coherent Developmental Examination with higher predictive validity for your result in Concour.
2. The “Sixth Project: Springboard” is the holiday of “Norouz Golden Period”, when must study.
a) Complete the Norooz Board, which helps you know what you are going to do during Norooz, because those who have clear thinking and a better self-evaluation can achieve what they aimed for.
b) How to fill Norooz Board: Students should first write the name of their lessons and sub lessons and fill them with colors based on their level in that specific lesson. Following, they should choose a resource for their study.
c) Color your Norooz Borad: To be able to color your board you need to: a) have a realistic self-evaluation, and b) be able to set yourself a learning strategy. Your strategy should be based on your past, which is indicated by the number of hours you have studied during the autumn and winter. Your educational strategy should be rational and achievable. When you have short time, strategy making is more important. We have no wrong learning method, but there are good and better methods and the characteristic of genius people is their ability to find the priorities.
d) Two educational responsibilities in Norooz are: a) improving your incomplete learning to complete learning, b) Studying what you haven’t studied, based on your priority. The former task is prior to the later one.
e) Visit Kanoon website during Noorooz and use followings a) read the abstract of lessons b) see “3 minutes” movie, c) take “Breakfast Examination” every morning, d) use the daily gifts, which are useful for that day.
f) Norooz Resources are: a) Noorooz book including the prioritized questions, selected by a collective decision of a group of ten teachers in each subject, b) Yellow books, c) Your highlighted key points during last months, d) “Educational Fallacies” which are detected in Developmental Examinations and are available in Kanoon Website, and e) Books of “Typical Mistake” consisting of the questions that most of the students were unsuccessful to answer them correct.
g) Not to do during Norooz: a) not go on a trip during Noorooz, because you forget what you have studies. However, those students who want to go on a trip can take the Developmental Examinations in Kanoon branches in that city.
3. The “ Seventh project: Re-Ranking Period”: This period has an important effect on the rank of students in “Concour”. It starts at end of March and continues until middle April. During this time, students are confused, because the schools are closed and they are self-dependence and they have to set their own learning strategy.
a) Reviewing period: this method of reviewing in 3 days is necessity.
b) The most useful book for this period is Kanoon Yellow Books
"This script is written by one of Kanoon's Teachers,
Mrs. Nahid Monnajemi, and revised by Kanoon English Website admin."