Azmoon Magazine

Students receive a magazine called “Azmoon Magazin” on the day of the bi-weekly Developmental Examination. Kanoon encourages parents to read this journal with their children. Azmoon magazine includes educational papers about reading and planning methods. Its papers share the experiences of hard-working and talented students with others. Azmoon magazine is always replete with descriptions of scientific achievements and other interesting reading material, which is tailor-made for Kanoon pupils.

Here, Mrs. Shima Rahimi, one of the authors of Azmoon magazine and a Kanoon Personal Tutor writes about these journals.

After each Kanoon Developmental Assessment, we give students a magazine related to their grades. Kanoon magazines are divided in to three groups of elementary, high school, and art. Students and their parents study these great magazines in order to:
  • Learn different learning methods to educational solving problems.
  • Read some student’s questions and consultant’s answers.
  • Be familiar with the best students in each Kanoon Developmental Assessment
  • Read the interviews with the top students in Kanoon Developmental Assessments of previous years. These students talk about their methods to achieve success in Kanoon. 
