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Why and How to Measure Innovation in Education (OECD Findings)

Why is this book written on innovation in Education?
  1. Informative Objective: This books provides readers with an international comparative information about innovation in Education.
  2. Methodological Objective: Two methods of measuring innovation in offered in this book that provides a more objective view rather than expert opinion about innovation.
  3. Heuristic insight: It shows that we can measure innovation in education and builds a firmer footing for discussion about education.
  4. Prospective: The wealth of international educational data will be increased.
Why does measuring innovation in education matter?
  1. Innovation can improve learning outcome.
  2. Innovation in education can enhance equality and equity.
  3. Innovation stimulates the efficiency of public sector.
  4. Innovation help education to adapt with necessary changes in societal needs.
How to measure innovation in Education?
  1. Define 'Innovation': "The implementation of a new or significantly improved produce (good or service) or process, or new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisations, or external relations (Oslo Manual, OECD Erostat 2005)". Here, the word "new" means that innovation requires a degree of novelty. Innovation in education must be considered as "improvements". Since, improvement can be seen differently by different observers and in different cultures and societies, thus innovation in education should be linked to different social and educational objectives, and it must be measured at different levels and from different stakeholders' perspectives.
  2. Approach One: Adapting Innovation Survey to the Public Sector (including Education).
  3. Approach Two: The analysis of organisational changes through employer-employee survey.
Here, you can read the whole book. 

