Educational Methods & Tools

Strategic Educational Road Map
This map includes eight educational projects that are implemented in 25 bi-weekly exams. This assessment planning educational method is designed in line with the national curriculum for an entire academic year. The bi-weekly exams, which are held on weekends, enable students to monitor and plan their learning throughout the academic year. Students adjust their personal learning style and objectives to the road map. At the personal level, this method equips the students with retrospective and teleological views towards their learning and at the school level, it directs educational associates including students and teachers towards a unified learning path
Eight Yearly Projects
Strategic Educational Road Map is implemented in the following eight projects:
I. Placement: Two exams that assess the students’ educational level at the start of the academic year
II. Start of Semester One: Three exams that cover the schools’ curriculum during the first semester.
III. Ending of Semester One: Three exams that help the students to prepare for their final term exams at the school.
IV. In-between- Semesters: Two exams to wrap up Semester One;
V. Start of Semester Two: Three exams that cover the schools’ curriculum during the second semester.
VI. Golden-Norooz Holidays: Two exams that help the lagging students to catch up with the road map.
VII. Ending Semester Two: Three exams that help the students to prepare for their final year exams at school.
VIII. The Final Wrap Up: Two sum-up exams that are specially designed for the students who are attending University Entrance Exam (Concour).

Strategic Educational Road Map
Kanoon Support:
- Personal Tutorship
- Parental Involvement
- Exam results
- Supplementary educational books
- Digital learning platform

Developmental Examinations
Every two weeks, students attend a Developmental Examination to assess their progress according to Road Map. Based on their performance, they identify their learning objectives and draw their own educational plans.
Five-Member Meetings
Five times a year (October, February, May, July, and September), all students with their parents, their personal tutors and the branch manager attend a meeting, in a group of five. The students have the key role in these meetings; they present and discuss their learning achievements, methods and objectives, and decide their future educational plan accordingly.
Exam Results
After completing Developmental Examinations every student receives five types of result:
I. Exam Result that compares her performance with other students.
II. Project Result that evaluates her progress since the beginning of the project
III. Categorized Result that classifies all the subjects into five categories, from best to worsts, on the basis of her performance in the exam.
IV. Subject-Oriented Result that evaluates her competency in each subject.
V. Question-Oriented Result that evaluates her competency in solving each question.
 Personal Developmental Book
It is a book that helps students to plan their learning in a retrospective way and set achievable educational goals, while following the road map. Every day, students write down the number of hours they spend on each subject in the book and at the end of each week, they sum up the total hours for each subject. This approach helps them to self-reflect on their learning efforts and ability on the basis of their past performance and enables them to build their own learning strategy for the future. Every two weeks, Personal Tutors check the students’ Personal Developmental Books to provide them with guidance.
Self-learning Book 
A book in which each student collects his/her learning history.
Leitner box 
A box of cards that help students to memorise new words, formulas or concepts for each subject. This method is designed based on Sebastian Leitner’s method of reviewing a subject at increasing time intervals.
Assessment Survey 
Before every Developmental Examination, the students participate in a survey about the learning project that they are undergoing. The survey helps the students to reflect on their learning progress.
Additionally, Kanoon’s Managers use the survey results to design their strategies and evaluate Personal Tutors’ performance.
Goal Setting Sheets 
A platform that helps students to set their learning objectives based on Categorized Results.

 Digital Learning Platform
Throughout Strategic Road map, free educational products and services are offered to each student through Kanoon digital learning platform. This platform is accessible at, which is an interactive learning website. Each student has a personal webpage in which she can see her exam results and personal tutor’s comments and also access multi-media lectures, podcasts and mock exams. The users of Kanoon English website ( can also enjoy access to several projects that focus on enhancing analytical thinking, academic writing and delivering effective presentations. Recently, Kanoon has launched its Mobile application to help students, parents and teachers to gain to educational contents more easily. It has also developed a broad network of internet savvy tutors, who upload their teaching materials and lectures on-line in the form of videos and podcasts. Currently, Kanoon is developing a set of ambitious augmented reality applications for its exams and publications.
Kanoon Digital Forums in English:
Main Portal
Train of ideas
Seasonal festival
School list
Kanoon Digital Teaching Forums:
3 Minutes videos
Online teaching programs

