The students’ presentations and assignments will be marked according to these criteria: a) Content, and b) Delivery.
Marking Criteria for Middle and Top Level Students
1. Assessment of Content:
a. Take a Way Note : What is the main message? Can you summarise your whole work in one sentence?
b. Focus : Is the essay or presentation focused on a clear topic, or the ideas are disconnected?
c. Research Based : How many sources (e.g. internet websites, books, magazine, parents and teachers recommendations) have been used for creating the content of presentation and essay?
2. Assessment of Delivery for Presentations:
a. Be Interactive : Do the presenters interact with the audience (for example: good body language, not reading from a paper, asking questions from the audience)?
b. Good Start : Does the presentation start with an interesting story, puzzle, or question?
c. Good Ending : Does the presentation end with a powerful punch line (i.e. your presentation stick in the mind of audience)?
3. Assessment of Delivery for Writings:
a. Plagiarism : Is the work original or just a copy of someone else?
b. Spelling Mistake : Does the essay have any spelling, punctuation, or grammatical mistake?
c. Opening Sentence : Does the opening sentence set the aim?
d. Closing Sentence : Does the closing sentence summarise the message?
Marking Criteria for Improving Students
1. Assessment of Content:
e. Choice of Topic : Is the topic ambitions? Do the students go for the easy topics (e.g. just introducing themselves) or they aimed high (e.g. summarising a book)?
2. Assessment of Delivery for Presentations:
f. No Farsi : Do the presenters use English through out the whole presentation? (We discourage any use of Farsi.)
g. Be Interactive : Do the presenters interact with the audience (for example: good body language, not reading from a paper, asking questions from the audience)?
h. Creative Delivery : Do the presenters use creative modes of delivery (e.g. singing, theatre playing, use of drawings)?
3. Assessment of Delivery for Writings:
i. Plagiarism : Is the work original or just a copy of someone else?
j. Spelling Mistakes : Does the essay have any spelling, or punctuation mistake?
k. Grammatical Mistakes : Does the essay have any grammatical mistake?